1.3 Becoming a Successful College Writer
In the preceding sections, you learned what you could expect from college and identified strategies you can use to manage your work. These strategies will help you succeed in any college course. This section covers more about how to handle the demands college places upon you as a writer. The general techniques you will learn will help ensure your success on any writing task, whether you complete a bluebook exam in an hour or an in-depth research project over several weeks.
Putting It All Together: Strategies for Success 
Writing well is difficult. Even people who write for a living sometimes struggle to get their thoughts on the page. Even people who enjoy writing have days when they would rather do anything else. Writing assignments can be stressful or even intimidating for people who do not like writing or do not think of themselves as good writers. And, of course, you cannot get through college without having to write—sometimes a lot, and often at a higher level than you are used to.
No magic formula will make writing quick and easy. However, you can use strategies and resources to manage writing assignments easily. This section presents a broad overview of these strategies and resources. The remaining sections of this class provide more detailed, comprehensive instruction to help you succeed at various assignments. The college will challenge you as a writer, but it is also a unique opportunity to grow.